Meet Mr. Harley
Chances are you’re already a fan of Mr. Harley and you don’t even know it. Maybe you were watching the NBC’s Today show the morning they featured Mr. Harley singing “The Sneeze Song.” There’s the possibility you’re one of the 260 million people throughout Europe – that’s right, over a quarter of a billion – who saw the commercial for S. Olivers that featured Mr. Harley singing “Blue Shirt.” Perhaps you’re a fan on the DIY Networks Show Maine Cabin Masters where the stars of the show wear Mr. Harley’s Blue Shirts while they renovate old cabins in the deep woods of Maine. Or maybe you and your kids saw one of the hundreds of concerts Mr. Harley has given up and down the East Coast over the past fifteen years, and when they got back in the car they were singing songs of his that you found yourself humming a couple weeks later.
Well, the time has come for you to be properly introduced to Mr. Harley, a.k.a. Harley Smith, a children’s entertainer with an uncanny ability to connect with his audience – and their parents and grandparents.

Mr. Harley Presents:
Just Peel It
Blue Shirt
Toast and Jelly